Knit Companion -Basics Saturday, April 19th 10-12pm
Instructor: Kate S. (12)
1 Session
Saturday April 19th 10:00 -12:00 PM
knitCompanion is an app that can help streamline your knitting & crochet projects. The software can help you organize your patterns, keep track of your progress, calculate increases & decreases, and much more. I
App details: There are free and paid versions of knitCompanion app. You can participate in the class with the free version, however many of the features that will be demonstrated are included in the paid version only. Learn more at their website: For roughly $30/year, we can highly recommend treating yourself to the full version.
You will learn the features of the free version of the application, such as downloading off of Ravelry, keeping count, using the "where am I?" feature, highlighter and more. We will work on navigation throughout the application and how to download paper patterns into your application so that you can go paperless.
- Overview of knitCompanion
- Linking to Ravelry and Dropbox
- Importing a pdf pattern
- Setting up a project
- Rotate pattern pages
- Counters
- Project notes
- Project timer
Materials you will need for class:
- Fully charged device with internet connection. Click here for supported devices. Apple iPad or Android tablet highly recommended.
- Most current version of the knitCompanion app already installed on your device. Click here for download information.
- Apple Pencil or stylus is helpful but not required
- Power cord
- Your Ravelry login information (if you’d like to import your patterns from Ravelry)
- Paper and pen/pencil to take notes.
NOTE: This class will be taught on an Apple iPad, however, Android tablets are welcome. You should be comfortable using your device, including connecting to the internet, navigating between applications, logging into Ravelry, etc.
Download the basic application off your app store or google play.
knitCompanion requires:
MacOS 12.5+
iOS 15.4+
Android 8.0+
FireOS 7+
Windows 10 and 11: Use You must use Bluestacks 5 Pie, or Bluestacks 5 Android 11. Bluestacks uses Google Play.